ADA Programming Guide
ADA Programming Guide.iso
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-- --
-- --
-- S Y S T E M . T A S K I N G . S T A G E S --
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- $Revision: 1.32 $ --
-- --
-- Copyright (c) 1991,1992,1993, FSU, All Rights Reserved --
-- --
-- GNARL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the --
-- Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any --
-- later version. GNARL is distributed in the hope that it will be use- --
-- ful, but but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of --
-- eral Library Public License for more details. You should have received --
-- a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with GNARL; see --
-- file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 --
-- Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. --
-- --
with Ada.Finalization;
-- used to ensure that Complete_Task is called at the end of the program
with System.Compiler_Exceptions;
-- Used for, Compiler_Exceptions.Notify_Exception
-- Null_Exception
with System.Compiler_Options;
-- Used for, Main_Priority
-- The following two packages are not part of the GNARL proper. They
-- provide access to a compiler-specific per-task data area.
with System.Tasking_Soft_Links;
-- Used for, Abort_Defer, Abort_Undefer, Get_TSD_Address
-- These are procedure pointers to non-tasking routines that use
-- task specific data. In the absense of tasking, these routines
-- refer to global data. In the presense of tasking, they must be
-- replaced with pointers to task-specific versions.
with System.Task_Specific_Data;
-- Used for, Create_TSD, Destroy_TSD
-- This package provides initialization routines for task specific data.
-- The GNARL must call these to be sure that all non-tasking
-- Ada constructs will work.
with System.Error_Reporting;
-- Used for, Error_Reporting.Assert
with System.Tasking.Abortion;
-- Used for, Abortion.Defer_Abortion,
-- Abortion.Undefer_Abortion,
-- Abortion.Change_Base_Priority
with System.Tasking.Utilities;
-- Used for, Utilities.ATCB_Ptr,
-- Utilities.ATCB_To_ID,
-- Utilities.ID_To_ATCB,
-- Utilities.ATCB_To_Address
-- Utilities."<",
-- Utilities.">=",
-- Utilities."=",
-- Utilities."/=",
-- Utilities.Task_Stage
-- Utilities.Accepting_State
-- Utilities.All_Tasks_List
-- Utilities.Ada_Task_Control_Block
-- Utilities.Task_Error
-- Utilities.ATCB_Init
-- Utilities.Await_Dependents
-- Utilities.Vulnerable_Complete_Activation
-- Utilities.Abort_To_Level
-- Utilities.Abort_Dependents
-- Utilities.Complete
-- Utilities.Check_Exceptions
-- Utilities.Remove_From_All_Tasks_List
with System.Task_Memory;
-- Used for, Task_Memory.Low_Level_New,
-- Task_Memory.Unsafe_Low_Level_New,
-- Task_Memory.Low_Level_Free
with System.Task_Primitives; use System.Task_Primitives;
with Unchecked_Conversion;
pragma Elaborate_All (System.Tasking.Utilities);
pragma Elaborate_All (System.Task_Primitives);
pragma Elaborate_All (System.Tasking.Abortion);
pragma Elaborate_All (System.Error_Reporting);
pragma Elaborate_All (System.Compiler_Exceptions);
pragma Elaborate_All (System.Task_Memory);
pragma Elaborate_All (System.Tasking_Soft_Links);
-- This must be elaborated first, to prevent its initialization of
-- the global procedure pointers from overwriting the pointers installed
-- by Stages.
package body System.Tasking.Stages is
function ID_To_ATCB (ID : Task_ID) return Utilities.ATCB_Ptr
renames Tasking.Utilities.ID_To_ATCB;
function ATCB_To_ID (Ptr : Utilities.ATCB_Ptr) return Task_ID
renames Utilities.ATCB_To_ID;
-- Could use "use type" for the following declarations ???
function "=" (L, R : Utilities.ATCB_Ptr) return Boolean
renames Utilities."=";
function "=" (L, R : Utilities.Task_Stage) return Boolean
renames Utilities."=";
function ">=" (L, R : Utilities.Task_Stage) return Boolean
renames Utilities.">=";
function "<" (L, R : Utilities.Task_Stage) return Boolean
renames Utilities."<";
function "=" (L, R : Utilities.Accepting_State) return Boolean
renames Utilities."=";
procedure Defer_Abortion renames Abortion.Defer_Abortion;
procedure Undefer_Abortion renames Abortion.Undefer_Abortion;
function Activation_to_ATCB is new
Unchecked_Conversion (Activation_Chain, Utilities.ATCB_Ptr);
function ATCB_to_Activation is new
Unchecked_Conversion (Utilities.ATCB_Ptr, Activation_Chain);
function Get_TSD_Address (Dummy : Boolean) return Address;
-- This procedure returns the task-specific data pointer installed at
-- task creation time by the GNARL on behalf of the compiler. A pointer
-- to this routine replaces the default pointer installed for the
-- non-tasking case.
-- The dummy parameter avoids a bug in GNAT.
procedure Init_RTS (Main_Task_Priority : System.Priority);
-- This procedure initializes the GNARL. This includes creating
-- data structures to make the initial thread into the environment
-- task, setting up handlers for ATC and errors, and
-- installing tasking versions of certain operations used by the
-- compiler. Init_RTS is called during elaboration.
-- ATCB related operations --
-- The TCB contains a variable size array whose dope vector must be
-- initialized. This is too complex (and changes too much with changes
-- in the TCB record) to do explicitely, so a record of the correct size
-- is declared here and copied into the newly allocated storage.
-- Discriminant checking is disabled to prevent the discriminant in the
-- newly created record from being checked before a legal value is
-- assigned to it.
-- How is discriminant checking disabled, I see no pragma Suppress ???
procedure Initialize_ATCB
(T : Utilities.ATCB_Ptr;
Init : Utilities.ATCB_Init);
-- Initialize fields of a TCB and link into global TCB structures
function New_ATCB
(Init : Utilities.ATCB_Init)
return Utilities.ATCB_Ptr;
-- New_ATCB creates a new ATCB using the low level allocation routines
-- (essentially a protected version of malloc()). This is done because
-- the new operator can be changed by the user, and may involve
-- allocation from pools (which would limit the number of tasks), might
-- block on insufficiant memory, or might fragment the user's heap
-- behind his back.
function Unsafe_New_ATCB
(Init : Utilities.ATCB_Init)
return Utilities.ATCB_Ptr;
-- This creates a new ATCB using unprotected low level allocation routines
-- (essentially malloc()). This is done for allocating the ATCB for the
-- initial task, since this must be done before initializing the low
-- level tasking, and locks (and hence protected Low_Level_New) cannot
-- be used until it is.
procedure Free_ATCB (T : in out Utilities.ATCB_Ptr);
-- Release storage of a previously allocated ATCB
-- Other Local Subprograms --
procedure Task_Wrapper (Arg : System.Address);
-- This is the procedure that is called by the GNULL from the
-- new context when a task is created. It waits for activation
-- and then calls the task body procedure. When the task body
-- procedure completes, it terminates the task.
procedure Terminate_Dependents (ML : Master_ID := Master_ID'First);
-- Terminate all dependent tasks of given master level
procedure Vulnerable_Complete_Task;
-- Complete the calling task. This procedure must be called with
-- abortion deferred.
-- Finalization management --
type Final is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with null record;
procedure Finalize (Object : in out Final);
Task_Finalization_Object : Final;
-- The only purpose of this object is to force a call to Finalize at the
-- end of the program
procedure Finalize (Object : in out Final) is
end Finalize;
-- Initialize_ATCB --
procedure Initialize_ATCB
(T : Utilities.ATCB_Ptr;
Init : Utilities.ATCB_Init)
Error : Boolean;
-- Initialize all fields of the TCB
Initialize_Lock (System.Priority'Last, T.L);
Initialize_Cond (T.Cond);
Initialize_Cond (T.Rend_Cond);
T.Activation_Count := 0;
T.Awake_Count := 1; -- Counting this task.
T.Awaited_Dependent_Count := 0;
T.Terminating_Dependent_Count := 0;
T.Pending_Action := False;
T.Pending_ATC_Level := ATC_Level_Infinity;
T.ATC_Nesting_Level := 1; -- 1 deep; 0 = abnormal.
T.Deferral_Level := 1; -- Start out deferred.
T.Stage := Utilities.Created;
T.Exception_To_Raise := Compiler_Exceptions.Null_Exception;
T.Accepting := Utilities.Not_Accepting;
T.Aborting := False;
T.Suspended_Abortably := False;
T.Call := null;
T.Elaborated := Init.Elaborated;
T.Parent := Init.Parent;
T.Task_Entry_Point := Init.Task_Entry_Point;
T.Task_Arg := Init.Task_Arg;
T.Stack_Size := Init.Stack_Size;
T.Current_Priority := Init.Priority;
T.Base_Priority := Init.Priority;
T.Pending_Priority_Change := False;
T.Activator := Init.Activator;
T.Master_of_Task := Init.Master_of_Task;
T.Master_Within := Increment_Master (Init.Master_of_Task);
T.Terminate_Alternative := false;
for J in 1 .. T.Entry_Num loop
T.Entry_Queues (J).Head := null;
T.Entry_Queues (J).Tail := null;
end loop;
for L in T.Entry_Calls'Range loop
T.Entry_Calls (L).Next := null;
T.Entry_Calls (L).Self := ATCB_To_ID (T);
T.Entry_Calls (L).Level := L;
end loop;
-- Link the task into the list of all tasks.
if T.Parent /= null then
Write_Lock (Utilities.All_Tasks_L, Error);
end if;
T.All_Tasks_Link := Utilities.All_Tasks_List;
Utilities.All_Tasks_List := T;
if T.Parent /= null then
Unlock (Utilities.All_Tasks_L);
end if;
end Initialize_ATCB;
-- New_ATCB --
function New_ATCB
(Init : Utilities.ATCB_Init)
return Utilities.ATCB_Ptr
subtype Constrained_ATCB is
Utilities.Ada_Task_Control_Block (Init.Entry_Num);
Initialized_ATCB : Constrained_ATCB;
T : Utilities.ATCB_Ptr;
A : System.Address;
function Address_to_Pointer is new
Unchecked_Conversion (System.Address, Utilities.ATCB_Ptr);
A :=
(Constrained_ATCB'Size / System.Storage_Unit);
T := Address_to_Pointer (A);
T.all := Initialized_ATCB;
Initialize_ATCB (T, Init);
return T;
end New_ATCB;
-- Unsafe_New_ATCB --
function Unsafe_New_ATCB
(Init : Utilities.ATCB_Init)
return Utilities.ATCB_Ptr
subtype Constrained_ATCB is
Utilities.Ada_Task_Control_Block (Init.Entry_Num);
Initialized_ATCB : Constrained_ATCB;
T : Utilities.ATCB_Ptr;
A : System.Address;
function Address_to_Pointer is new
Unchecked_Conversion (System.Address, Utilities.ATCB_Ptr);
A :=
(Constrained_ATCB'Size / System.Storage_Unit);
T := Address_to_Pointer (A);
T.all := Initialized_ATCB;
return T;
end Unsafe_New_ATCB;
-- Free_ATCB --
procedure Free_ATCB (T : in out Utilities.ATCB_Ptr) is
function Pointer_to_Address is new
Unchecked_Conversion (Utilities.ATCB_Ptr, System.Address);
Finalize_Lock (T.L);
Finalize_Cond (T.Cond);
Finalize_Cond (T.Rend_Cond);
Task_Memory.Low_Level_Free (Pointer_to_Address (T));
end Free_ATCB;
-- Get_TSD_Address --
function Get_TSD_Address (Dummy : Boolean) return Address is
T : Utilities.ATCB_Ptr := ID_To_ATCB (Self);
return T.Compiler_Data;
end Get_TSD_Address;
-- Init_RTS --
procedure Init_RTS (Main_Task_Priority : System.Priority) is
T : Utilities.ATCB_Ptr;
Init : Utilities.ATCB_Init;
Utilities.All_Tasks_List := null;
Init.Entry_Num := 0;
Init.Parent := null;
Init.Task_Entry_Point := null;
Init.Stack_Size := 0;
Init.Activator := null;
Stages.Init_Master (Init.Master_of_Task);
Init.Elaborated := null;
if Main_Task_Priority = Unspecified_Priority then
Init.Priority := Default_Priority;
Init.Priority := Main_Task_Priority;
end if;
T := Unsafe_New_ATCB (Init);
T.Compiler_Data := Task_Specific_Data.Create_TSD;
-- This needs to be done as early as possible in the creation
-- of a task, since the opration of Ada code within the task may
-- depend on task specific data.
Initialize_LL_Tasks (T.LL_TCB'Access);
Initialize_ATCB (T, Init);
T.Stage := Utilities.Active;
-- The allocation of the initial task ATCB is different from
-- that of subsequent ATCBs, which are allocated with ATCB.New_ATCB.
-- New_ATCB performs all of the functions of Unsafe_New_ATCB
-- and Initialize_ATCB. However, it uses GNULLI operations, which
-- should not be called until after Initialize_LL_Tasks. Since
-- Initialize_LL_Tasks needs the initial ATCB, New_ATCB was broken
-- down into two parts, the first of which alloctes the ATCB without
-- calling any GNULLI operations.
Set_Own_Priority (T.Current_Priority);
Initialize_Lock (Priority'Last, Utilities.All_Tasks_L);
-- Initialize the lock used to synchronize chain of all ATCBs.
-- This is not according the the GNULLI, which specifes
-- access procedure (Context: Pre_Call_State) for the handler.
-- This may be a mistake in the interface. ???
Install_Abort_Handler (Utilities.Abort_Handler'Access);
-- Install handlers for asynchronous error signals.
-- This is not according the the GNULLI, which specifes
-- access procedure(...) for the handler.
-- This may be a mistake in the interface. ???
Install_Error_Handler (Compiler_Exceptions.Notify_Exception'Address);
-- Set up the soft links to tasking services used in the absense of
-- tasking. These replace tasking-free defaults.
Tasking_Soft_Links.Abort_Defer := Abortion.Defer_Abortion'Access;
Tasking_Soft_Links.Abort_Undefer := Abortion.Undefer_Abortion'Access;
Tasking_Soft_Links.Get_TSD_Address := Get_TSD_Address'Access;
-- Abortion is deferred in a new ATCB, so we need to undefer abortion
-- at this stage to make the environment task abortable.
end Init_RTS;
-- Init_Master --
procedure Init_Master (M : out Master_ID) is
M := 0;
end Init_Master;
-- Increment_Master --
function Increment_Master (M : Master_ID) return Master_ID is
return M + 1;
end Increment_Master;
-- Decrement_Master --
function Decrement_Master (M : Master_ID) return Master_ID is
return M - 1;
end Decrement_Master;
-- Task_Wrapper --
procedure Task_Wrapper (Arg : System.Address) is
function Address_To_Task_ID is new
Unchecked_Conversion (System.Address, Utilities.ATCB_Ptr);
T : Utilities.ATCB_Ptr := Address_To_Task_ID (Arg);
-- Call the task body procedure.
T.Task_Entry_Point (T.Task_Arg);
-- Return here after task finalization
-- This call won't return. Therefor no need for Undefer_Abortion
-- Only the call to user code (T.Task_Entry_Point) should raise an
-- exception. An "at end" handler in the generated code should have
-- completed the the task, and the exception should not be propagated
-- further. Terminate the task as though it had returned.
when Standard'Abort_Signal =>
when others =>
end Task_Wrapper;
-- Create_Task --
procedure Create_Task
(Size : Size_Type;
Priority : Integer;
Num_Entries : Task_Entry_Index;
Master : Master_ID;
State : Task_Procedure_Access;
Discriminants : System.Address;
Elaborated : Access_Boolean;
Chain : in out Activation_Chain;
Created_Task : out Task_ID)
T, P, S : Utilities.ATCB_Ptr;
Init : Utilities.ATCB_Init;
Default_Stack_Size : constant Size_Type := 10000;
Error : Boolean;
S := ID_To_ATCB (Self);
if Priority = Unspecified_Priority then
Init.Priority := Default_Priority;
Init.Priority := Priority;
end if;
-- Find parent of new task, P, via master level number.
P := S;
if P /= null then
while P.Master_of_Task >= Master loop
P := P.Parent;
exit when P = null;
end loop;
end if;
if P /= null then
Write_Lock (P.L, Error);
if P /= S
and then P.Awaited_Dependent_Count /= 0
and then Master = P.Master_Within
P.Awaited_Dependent_Count := P.Awaited_Dependent_Count + 1;
end if;
P.Awake_Count := P.Awake_Count + 1;
Unlock (P.L);
end if;
Init.Entry_Num := Num_Entries;
Init.Task_Arg := Discriminants;
Init.Parent := P;
Init.Task_Entry_Point := State;
if Size = Unspecified_Size then
Init.Stack_Size := Default_Stack_Size;
Init.Stack_Size := Size;
end if;
Init.Activator := S;
Init.Master_of_Task := Master;
Init.Elaborated := Elaborated;
T := New_ATCB (Init);
T.Compiler_Data := Task_Specific_Data.Create_TSD;
-- This needs to be done as early as possible in the creation
-- of a task, since the opration of Ada code within the task may
-- depend on task specific data.
T.Activation_Link := Activation_to_ATCB (Chain);
Chain := ATCB_to_Activation (T);
T.Aborter_Link := null;
Created_Task := ATCB_To_ID (T);
end Create_Task;
-- Activate_Tasks --
procedure Activate_Tasks (Chain_Access : Activation_Chain_Access) is
This_Task : Utilities.ATCB_Ptr;
C : Utilities.ATCB_Ptr;
All_Elaborated : Boolean := True;
LL_Entry_Point : Task_Primitives.LL_Task_Procedure_Access;
Error : Boolean;
This_Task := ID_To_ATCB (Self);
C := Activation_to_ATCB (Chain_Access.all);
while (C /= null) and All_Elaborated loop
if C.Elaborated /= null and then not C.Elaborated.all then
All_Elaborated := False;
end if;
C := C.Activation_Link;
end loop;
-- Check that all task bodies have been elaborated.
if not All_Elaborated then
raise Program_Error;
end if;
Write_Lock (This_Task.L, Error);
This_Task.Activation_Count := 0;
-- Wake up all the tasks so that they can activate themselves.
LL_Entry_Point := Task_Wrapper'Access;
C := Activation_to_ATCB (Chain_Access.all);
while C /= null loop
Write_Lock (C.L, Error);
-- Note that the locks of the activator and created task are locked
-- here. This is necessary because C.Stage and
-- This_Task.Activation_Count have to be synchronized. This is also
-- done in Complete_Activation and Init_Abortion. So long as the
-- activator lock is always locked first, this cannot lead to
-- deadlock.
if C.Stage = Utilities.Created then
-- Create the task
-- Actual creation of LL_Task is defered until the activation
-- time
-- Ask for 4 extra bytes of stack space so that the ATCB
-- pointer can be stored below the stack limit, plus extra
-- space for the frame of Task_Wrapper. This is so the use
-- gets the amount of stack requested exclusive of the needs
-- of the runtime.
Create_LL_Task (
System.Priority (C.Current_Priority),
Task_Primitives.Task_Storage_Size (
Integer (C.Stack_Size) +
Integer (Task_Primitives.Task_Wrapper_Frame) + 4),
Utilities.ATCB_To_Address (C),
C.Stage := Utilities.Can_Activate;
This_Task.Activation_Count := This_Task.Activation_Count + 1;
end if;
Unlock (C.L);
C := C.Activation_Link;
end loop;
This_Task.Suspended_Abortably := True;
while This_Task.Activation_Count > 0 loop
if This_Task.Pending_Action then
if This_Task.Pending_Priority_Change then
Abortion.Change_Base_Priority (This_Task);
end if;
exit when
This_Task.Pending_ATC_Level < This_Task.ATC_Nesting_Level;
This_Task.Pending_Action := False;
end if;
Cond_Wait (This_Task.Cond, This_Task.L);
end loop;
This_Task.Suspended_Abortably := False;
Unlock (This_Task.L);
Chain_Access.all := null;
-- After the activation, tasks should be removed from the Chain
end Activate_Tasks;
-- Expunge_Unactivated_Tasks --
procedure Expunge_Unactivated_Tasks (Chain : in out Activation_Chain) is
This_Task : Utilities.ATCB_Ptr := ID_To_ATCB (Self);
C : Utilities.ATCB_Ptr;
Temp : Utilities.ATCB_Ptr;
Result : Boolean;
C := Activation_to_ATCB (Chain);
while C /= null loop
Error_Reporting.Assert (
C.Stage <= Utilities.Created,
"Trying to expunge task which went beyond CREATED stage");
Temp := C;
C := C.Activation_Link;
Utilities.Complete (ATCB_To_ID (Temp));
-- This will take care of decrementing parent's Await_Count and
-- Awaited_Dependent_Count.
Utilities.Remove_From_All_Tasks_List (Temp, Result);
Error_Reporting.Assert (
"Mismatch between All_Tasks_List and Chain to be expunged");
Free_ATCB (Temp);
-- Task is out of Chain and All_Tasks_List. It is now safe to
-- free the storage for ATCB.
end loop;
Chain := null;
end Expunge_Unactivated_Tasks;
-- Current_Master --
function Current_Master return Master_ID is
return ID_To_ATCB (Self).Master_Within;
end Current_Master;
-- Vulnerable_Complete_Task --
-- WARNING : Only call this procedure with abortion deferred.
-- That's why the name has "Vulnerable" in it.
-- This procedure needs to have abortion deferred while it has the current
-- task's lock locked.
-- This procedure should be called to complete the current task. This
-- should be done for:
-- normal termination via completion;
-- termination via unhandled exception;
-- terminate alternative;
-- abortion.
procedure Vulnerable_Complete_Task is
P, T : Utilities.ATCB_Ptr := ID_To_ATCB (Self);
C : Utilities.ATCB_Ptr;
Never_Activated : Boolean;
Error : Boolean;
-- T.Stage can be safely checked for Can_Activate here without
-- protection, since T does not get to run until Stage is Can_Activate,
-- and Vulnerable_Complete_Activation will check to see if it has moved
-- beyond Complete_Activation under the protection of the mutex
-- before decrementing the activator's Activation_Count.
if T.Stage = Utilities.Can_Activate then
Utilities.Vulnerable_Complete_Activation (T, Completed => True);
end if;
-- Note that abortion is deferred (see WARNING above)
Utilities.Complete (ATCB_To_ID (T));
if T.Stage = Utilities.Created then
T.Stage := Utilities.Terminated;
end if;
Write_Lock (T.L, Error);
-- If the task has been awakened due to abortion, this should
-- cause the dependents to abort themselves and cause the awake
-- count to go to zero.
if T.Pending_ATC_Level < T.ATC_Nesting_Level
and then T.Awake_Count /= 0
Unlock (T.L);
Utilities.Abort_Dependents (ATCB_To_ID (T));
Write_Lock (T.L, Error);
end if;
-- At this point we want to complete tasks created by T and not yet
-- activated, and also mark those tasks as terminated.
Write_Lock (Utilities.All_Tasks_L, Error);
Unlock (T.L);
C := Utilities.All_Tasks_List;
while C /= null loop
if C.Parent = T and then C.Stage = Utilities.Created then
Utilities.Complete (ATCB_To_ID (C));
C.Stage := Utilities.Terminated;
end if;
C := C.All_Tasks_Link;
end loop;
Write_Lock (T.L, Error);
Unlock (Utilities.All_Tasks_L);
while T.Awake_Count /= 0 loop
Cond_Wait (T.Cond, T.L);
if T.Pending_ATC_Level < T.ATC_Nesting_Level
and then T.Awake_Count /= 0
-- The task may have been awakened to perform abortion.
Unlock (T.L);
Utilities.Abort_Dependents (ATCB_To_ID (T));
Write_Lock (T.L, Error);
end if;
end loop;
Unlock (T.L);
end Vulnerable_Complete_Task;
-- Leave_Task --
procedure Leave_Task is
P, T : Utilities.ATCB_Ptr := ID_To_ATCB (Self);
Saved_Pending_ATC_Level : ATC_Level_Base;
Error : Boolean;
Saved_Pending_ATC_Level := T.Pending_ATC_Level;
-- We are about to lose our ATCB. Save special fields for final cleanup.
P := T.Parent;
if P /= null then
Write_Lock (P.L, Error);
Write_Lock (T.L, Error);
-- If T has a parent, then setting T.Stage to Terminted and
-- incrementing/decrementing P.Terminating_Dependent_Count
-- have to be synchronized here and in Terminate_Dependents.
-- This is done by locking the parent and dependent locks. So
-- long as the parent lock is always locked first, this should not
-- cause deadlock.
T.Stage := Utilities.Terminated;
if P.Terminating_Dependent_Count > 0
and then T.Master_of_Task = P.Master_Within
P.Terminating_Dependent_Count := P.Terminating_Dependent_Count - 1;
if P.Terminating_Dependent_Count = 0 then
Cond_Signal (P.Cond);
end if;
end if;
Task_Specific_Data.Destroy_TSD (T.Compiler_Data);
-- This should be the last thing done to a TCB, since the correct
-- operation of compiled code may depend on it.
Unlock (T.L);
Unlock (P.L);
-- WARNING - Once this lock is unlocked, it should be assumed that
-- the ATCB has been deallocated. It should not be accessed again.
Write_Lock (T.L, Error);
T.Stage := Utilities.Terminated;
Task_Specific_Data.Destroy_TSD (T.Compiler_Data);
-- This should be the last thing done to a TCB, since the correct
-- operation of compiled code may depend on it.
Unlock (T.L);
end if;
end Leave_Task;
-- Complete_Task --
procedure Complete_Task is
end Complete_Task;
-- Complete_Activation --
procedure Complete_Activation is
Dummy : Boolean;
(ID_To_ATCB (Self),
Completed => False);
end Complete_Activation;
-- Terminate_Dependents --
-- WARNING : Only call this procedure with abortion deferred.
-- This procedure needs to have abortion deferred while it has
-- the current task's lock locked. This is indicated by the commented
-- abortion control calls. Since it is called from two procedures which
-- also need abortion deferred, it is left controlled on entry to
-- this procedure.
-- This relies that all dependents are passive.
-- That is, they may be :
-- 1) held in COMPLETE_TASK;
-- 2) aborted, with forced-call to COMPLETE_TASK pending;
-- 3) held in terminate-alternative of SELECT.
procedure Terminate_Dependents (ML : Master_ID := Master_ID'First) is
Failed : Boolean;
Taken : Boolean;
T : Utilities.ATCB_Ptr := ID_To_ATCB (Self);
C : Utilities.ATCB_Ptr;
Previous : Utilities.ATCB_Ptr;
Temp : Utilities.ATCB_Ptr;
Error : Boolean;
Write_Lock (Utilities.All_Tasks_L, Error);
-- Abortion is deferred already (see WARNING above)
Write_Lock (T.L, Error);
-- Count the number of active dependents that must terminate before
-- proceeding. If Terminating_Dependent_Count is not zero, then the
-- dependents have already been counted. This can occur when a thread
-- executing this routine is canceled and the cancellation takes effect
-- when Cond_Wait is called to wait for Terminating_Dependent_Count to
-- go to zero. In this case we just skip the count and continue waiting
-- for the count to go to zero.
if T.Terminating_Dependent_Count = 0 then
C := Utilities.All_Tasks_List;
while C /= null loop
-- The check for C.Stage=ATCB.Terminated and the increment of
-- T.Terminating_Dependent_Count must be synchronized here and in
-- Complete_Task using T.L and C.L. So long as the parent T
-- is locked before the dependent C, this should not lead to
-- deadlock.
if C /= T then
Write_Lock (C.L, Error);
if C.Parent = T
and then C.Master_of_Task >= ML
and then C.Stage /= Utilities.Terminated
T.Terminating_Dependent_Count :=
T.Terminating_Dependent_Count + 1;
end if;
Unlock (C.L);
end if;
C := C.All_Tasks_Link;
end loop;
end if;
Unlock (T.L);
C := Utilities.All_Tasks_List;
while C /= null loop
if C.Parent = T and then C.Master_of_Task >= ML then
Utilities.Complete (ATCB_To_ID (C));
Cond_Signal (C.Cond);
end if;
C := C.All_Tasks_Link;
end loop;
Unlock (Utilities.All_Tasks_L);
Write_Lock (T.L, Error);
while T.Terminating_Dependent_Count /= 0 loop
Cond_Wait (T.Cond, T.L);
end loop;
Unlock (T.L);
-- We don't wake up for abortion here, since we are already
-- terminating just as fast as we can so there is no point.
Write_Lock (Utilities.All_Tasks_L, Error);
C := Utilities.All_Tasks_List;
Previous := null;
while C /= null loop
if C.Parent = T
and then C.Master_of_Task >= ML
if Previous /= null then
Previous.All_Tasks_Link := C.All_Tasks_Link;
Utilities.All_Tasks_List := C.All_Tasks_Link;
end if;
Temp := C;
C := C.All_Tasks_Link;
Free_ATCB (Temp);
-- It is OK to free the ATCB provided that the dependent task
-- does not access its ATCB in Complete_Task after signalling its
-- parent's (this task) condition variable and unlocking its lock.
Previous := C;
C := C.All_Tasks_Link;
end if;
end loop;
Unlock (Utilities.All_Tasks_L);
end Terminate_Dependents;
-- Enter_Master --
procedure Enter_Master is
T : Utilities.ATCB_Ptr := ID_To_ATCB (Self);
T.Master_Within := Increment_Master (T.Master_Within);
end Enter_Master;
-- Complete_Master --
procedure Complete_Master is
T : Utilities.ATCB_Ptr := ID_To_ATCB (Self);
C : Utilities.ATCB_Ptr;
CM : Master_ID := T.Master_Within;
Taken : Boolean;
Asleep : Boolean;
TAS_Result : Boolean;
Error : Boolean;
Write_Lock (Utilities.All_Tasks_L, Error);
-- Cancel threads of dependent tasks that have not yet started
-- activation.
C := Utilities.All_Tasks_List;
while C /= null loop
if C.Parent = T and then C.Master_of_Task = CM then
Write_Lock (C.L, Error);
-- The only way that a dependent should not have been activated
-- at this point is if the master was aborted before it could
-- call Activate_Tasks. Abort such dependents.
if C.Stage = Utilities.Created then
Unlock (C.L);
Utilities.Complete (ATCB_To_ID (C));
C.Stage := Utilities.Terminated;
-- Task is not yet activated. So, just complete and
-- Mark it as Terminated.
Unlock (C.L);
end if;
end if;
C := C.All_Tasks_Link;
end loop;
-- Note that Awaited_Dependent_Count must be zero at this point. It is
-- initialized to zero, this is the only code that can increment it
-- when it is zero, and it will be zero again on exit from this routine.
Write_Lock (T.L, Error);
C := Utilities.All_Tasks_List;
while C /= null loop
if C.Parent = T and then C.Master_of_Task = CM then
Write_Lock (C.L, Error);
if C.Awake_Count /= 0 then
T.Awaited_Dependent_Count := T.Awaited_Dependent_Count + 1;
end if;
Unlock (C.L);
end if;
C := C.All_Tasks_Link;
end loop;
Unlock (Utilities.All_Tasks_L);
-- If the task has been awakened due to abortion, this should
-- cause the dependents to abort themselves and cause
-- Awaited_Dependent_Count count to go to zero.
if T.Pending_ATC_Level < T.ATC_Nesting_Level
and then T.Awaited_Dependent_Count /= 0
Unlock (T.L);
Utilities.Abort_Dependents (ATCB_To_ID (T));
Write_Lock (T.L, Error);
end if;
T.Stage := Utilities.Await_Dependents;
while T.Awaited_Dependent_Count /= 0 loop
Cond_Wait (T.Cond, T.L);
if T.Pending_ATC_Level < T.ATC_Nesting_Level
and then T.Awaited_Dependent_Count /= 0
-- The task may have been awakened to perform abortion.
Unlock (T.L);
Utilities.Abort_Dependents (ATCB_To_ID (T));
Write_Lock (T.L, Error);
end if;
end loop;
Unlock (T.L);
if T.Pending_ATC_Level < T.ATC_Nesting_Level then
Error_Reporting.Assert (False, "Continuing after being aborted!");
end if;
Terminate_Dependents (CM);
T.Stage := Utilities.Active;
-- Make next master level up active. This needs to be done before
-- decrementing the master level number, so that tasks finding
-- themselves dependent on the current master level do not think that
-- this master has been terminated (i.e. Stage=Await_Dependents and
-- Awaited_Dependent_Count=0). This should be safe; the only thing that
-- can affect the stage of a task after it has become active is either
-- the task itself or abortion, which is deferred here.
T.Master_Within := Decrement_Master (CM);
-- Should not need protection; can only change if T executes an
-- Enter_Master or a Complete_Master. T is only one task, and cannot
-- execute these while executing this.
end Complete_Master;
-- Terminated --
function Terminated (T : Task_ID) return Boolean is
-- Does not need protection; access is assumed to be atomic.
-- Why is this assumption made, is pragma Atomic applied proprly???
return ID_To_ATCB (T).Stage = Utilities.Terminated;
end Terminated;
-- Tasking System Initialization --
Init_RTS (Compiler_Options.Main_Priority);
end System.Tasking.Stages;